Monday, 23 December 2019
nelson mandella
It is my 18th year in prison but I am still angry that the government disagreed with me about stopping the apartheid. I think that everyone should be equal no matter what colour their skin is. But I still have hope for the future because evil can not live in the souls of people forever. BUZZ, "hey Mandela" "your out" said the guard. Yes! the first thing I'm going to do is run for president thought nelson. "yo hurry up" said the guard. NEXT ELECTION. "The votes are counted and the president is!" "Nelson Mandela!" "thank you, thank you" "the first thing I'm going to is stop apartheid!" YAY!!! WOO HOO!!! YEAH!!!
Climate change
Global warming is actually called climate change because some of the world is getting warmer but some of the world is getting colder. Ice caps are melting much faster and water levels are getting higher. We need to stop putting emissions into the air because it is making the air hotter and colder.
Friday, 20 December 2019
Summer learning journal
letter to Jacinda Ardern
Dear Jacinda
I think all health care should be free. I think it is important to make sure that everyone is in good health.
Even if the government would make no money I think that you could do better than a free GP visit for under fourteen year olds. Because if a 50 year old father got measles but he couldn't afford to go the the GP then his whole family would get measles. Lots of people are living in poverty and cant afford to see a doctor so everyone is getting sick. If you don't fund GP visits and people go to hospital it will cost you even more money.
Nga mihi
-From Cole Eamonn Utumapu (10)
-From Cole Eamonn Utumapu (10)
summer learning journey
rights and wrongs.
I am 10 years old in 15 years i will be 25 years old
I am 10 years old in 15 years i will be 25 years old
Monday, 16 December 2019
Last blog post
For my last blog post this year I would like to thank all the teachers and helpers that helped this year I hope you have a great summer and Christmas. This year the school did Choose Day Tuesday, at the start of the term you could pick a group, In Term Two I was in the baking and cupcake making group which is when we leaned how to bake in small steps and then eat our creations at the end. In Term Three I was in the acting and film making group, we first watched a short film and then wrote a story board and then acted it and filmed it. I would like to thank my friends, you have been really helpful this year I will miss you if you are not in my class. By the way I am in room 25 and the teacher is Miss Nikki Watson Smith.
Friday, 13 December 2019
Wednesday, 11 December 2019
Wednesday, 4 December 2019
Thursday, 28 November 2019
Cultural festival
Last Saturday was the Cultural festival I was in two groups the Te Reo and the Niuean group, we practised every Thursday and Friday. We practised Te Reo from the start of Term One or Two on a Friday but in term four when every group had started I did Niuean on a Thursday and Te reo on a Friday. On the twenty third of November was the Cultural festival, the first group up from our school was Te reo and we started off the festival the second group from our school was the Niuean, and then Tongan After the Tongan group I left rocket park so I don't know what groups were after that
Thursday, 14 November 2019
Wednesday, 13 November 2019
the start of a new beginning
The start of a new beginning
“the monster was killed, it slowly sank down to the bottom of the ocean into its cave when an egg cracked instead of another mutant shark came a giant turtle it's epic journey was part of the beginning before king kong and killjarah, before godzilla at the time of chaos the world will be destroyed as we no it the turtle will destroy all pollution as it swims through the sea we must help it” said the president “we must reset the earth”
TEN YEARS LATER, BOOM “SCREECH” “AAAHH” “we did it the resistance are coming with the big guns” yelled the commander how did you convince them to fight the turtle” said the president “we gave them a lifes immunity to the mini zombie turtle bites” announced the commander “ok we need to roll out we are meeting them at the monster cave”. “WHO ARE YOU” spoke the leader of the resistance “don't you know i'm the president” “actually i don't because we were forced to hide under ground or never use our power to control monsters again” “well”- BOOOM it was the turtle screech!!! Then in beamed a giant laser zoom!! “Now” then there was silence “WE have it” under control leave now we have banished it to this place forever”.
Tuesday, 12 November 2019
The deep.
Something was lurking beneath him. A terrible monster capable of swallowing him whole, all he needed to do is keep still and not bleed or he would get eaten by the whale shark this whale shark was not a normal one it was affected by nuclear rubbish at the bottom of the sea and now it was a true monster instead of having small brush teeth for eating algae it now had giant razor sharp teeth for gobbling up people and had rock hard skin it even had acid drooling out of its mouth, slowly he took out a harpoon and drenched it with poison then he put on a life jacket and got in the water then he shot ZOOM it went right through the water and hit him in the mouth exactly where the whale shark was infected then slowly but surely the whale shark started sinking and sinking and sinking. He had done it slain the monster of the seas, the WHALE SHARK.
Monday, 11 November 2019
The time traveler
The time traveler
The clock was the key to everything; the key to moving through time and space, now that I had it I could control anything, but the only thing there was to control now was plastic, so I set the clock down on a bench and set the time. There were four hands on the clock the biggest hand was the small hand was years the bigger was months the bigger was days and the biggest hand was for hours. I set the clock to three hundred years two months five days and twenty two hours, then the hands started spinning faster and faster than a tiny little goblin came out and said “OY YU YA WANT TO GO BACK AY WAT DA YU WANNA DO THEN AY” “I want to save the world” I explained “WEL DEN I'LL HELP YA OUT DA GUY YAR LOOKIN FOR HAS FOUR EYES, and his name is Leo Hendrik Baekeland,” “ Thank you alot, after I complete this task I will free you from your prison of time and space. THREE HUNDRED YEARS TWO MONTHS FIVE DAYS AND TWENTY TWO HOURS LATER. Tick Tick Tick TIck TIck TTTIICCK “NOOO NNONONNO NOOOOOOOOOOO MY CLOCKKKK.
Tuesday, 29 October 2019
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
pobble 365 story: number 28
The gigantic metal figure strode down the town,he must of been 500 metres tall, people were scared they stared at his big metallic body as they were scared as a rat fighting a dragon with nothing but a toothpick. 28 was engraved on his forearm in a glowing yellow font. He walked on scanning the street for the culprit as he ignored the houses, pylons and stores as he walked past and smashed anything in its path. Finally he spotted a man running away from him in a long black cloak the giant robot mech grabbed him and took of the hood it was the person he was looking for, he jumped and fire rocketed from his metal boots as he flew away back to home base for the culprit to be charged at court.
Wednesday, 4 September 2019
Monday, 2 September 2019
Hi guys this link is to our flipgrid videos please watch them
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Wednesday, 28 August 2019
Tuesday, 27 August 2019
Guess my book
This is an activity called guess my book here are some clues to what it is (for book day I will dress up as this character).
This character is a wizard,
He goes to Hogwarts ,
there are eight books and eight movies,
he has a scar of lightning,
he is an orphan,
there is a prequel.
the author is Jk. Rowling
this is a scene from book and movie one.
"You are a wizard Harry" "no i'm not i'm just normal harry" "no harry you are a wizard harry" "this cant be true this is amazing!!"
-book one
What is the name of my book?
comment below↓↓↓ PS. if you don't know then highlight the green spaces.
This character is a wizard,
He goes to Hogwarts ,
there are eight books and eight movies,
he has a scar of lightning,
he is an orphan,
there is a prequel.
the author is Jk. Rowling
this is a scene from book and movie one.
"You are a wizard Harry" "no i'm not i'm just normal harry" "no harry you are a wizard harry" "this cant be true this is amazing!!"
-book one
What is the name of my book?
comment below↓↓↓ PS. if you don't know then highlight the green spaces.
Thursday, 22 August 2019
Wednesday, 21 August 2019
Friday, 16 August 2019
Thursday, 15 August 2019
Wednesday, 14 August 2019
Thursday, 25 July 2019
Thursday, 4 July 2019
Wednesday, 26 June 2019
bling bins (yellow)
a couple of weeks ago the class made an online or paper poster to bling our bins this is my blinged bin
Thursday, 9 May 2019
space ponder 2
if i was sent into space and could bring any three things. Firstly would bring a lifes suply of pokemon cards because I enjoy collecting things,
a whole soccer field to practice my skills , and my family to keep me company.
a whole soccer field to practice my skills , and my family to keep me company.

Wednesday, 1 May 2019
space ponder 1

Monday, 1 April 2019
Swimming Lessons
Hello people,
First we sat on the wall and the instructor threw us of one by one.
Then we got into a huddle and put our knees up. It was really fun.
After that we had 2 races with the other group and we lost
both of them . After we had big whirlpool and it was really fun.
Wednesday, 27 March 2019
bike training
a couple weeks ago we brang our bikes to school
a teacher helped teach us how to bike, she taught us how to
indicate by putting either our left or right hands out
the bike trainer also taught us how to say that we are stoping
by putting our hand up.
a teacher helped teach us how to bike, she taught us how to
indicate by putting either our left or right hands out
the bike trainer also taught us how to say that we are stoping
by putting our hand up.
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