Friday 28 August 2020

The three little pigs comic

 Hello peeps. Today we had to make an acrostic poem about the tree little pigs here's mine:


  1. Kia ora Cole, my name is Pavan and I am from Room 24. Your acrostic poem is fantastic, it really makes sense to the three little pigs story.
    Question - which out of the three houses would you live in?
    Make sure to come check out my blog buy clicking here Click me
    And I will blog you later.

  2. Kia ora Pavan from Room 24.Thank you for your comment, I will make sure to check out your blog.
    bLoG yA lAtEr!

  3. Kia Ora Cole
    My name is vincey da second\vincey
    I really like your comic no pictures but alot of words that describe the story
    LaTEr BoLt

  4. Kia ora. I am Billy from St Mary’s School.
    I really like your acrostic poem
    How did you think of what to write?
    I liked your sentences and how there about the three little pigs.
    Please visit my blog

    Mā te wā

  5. Hi Cole, I love your poem but I really like rhyming acrostic poems so it would be in my top fifteen poems that i've read.

    Blog ya later

  6. Hi it’s Zac from room 8 here , I really like your post about the three little pigs comic, acrostic poem. Just an observation theres three pigs not four. Check out my blog at Zac’s Blog byyyyyyyyye!


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