Thursday 30 April 2020

Crazy facts about the Middle ages.

Sorry i didn't mean to put an it in between commonly and healers


  1. Hi Cole its me Floyd. I saw your email about the scratch thing. I replied to it about how do I find the HTML code but you didn't replied back. So how do I find it if your reading this!!!

  2. No football..? What would we have done in our spare time (if we had any?) I'm kind of glad I didn't live during this time. Apparently this kind of football in England led to the invention of rugby, which is kind of similar. Are there any customs from the middle ages you wish we still had?

  3. Ka pai Cole! I like that you found out a lot about the middle ages and the visuals relate to the facts. Next time I would break up the text onto different slides, so it is easier to read. Keep up the blogging!

  4. Kia ora, Cole. Thank you for sharing some very interesting facts about life in the middle ages. I am very grateful that some of those things are no longer used. Where did you get the idea to search up life in the middle ages? I wonder how many other crazy ideas were used back then?

  5. Hi Cole, I loved studying about the Middle Ages when I was at school, I am so pleased I don't live at this time though!! A thought for another slide-I wonder if you could just have a few interesting facts on each slide so it is really easy to read, you could choose an old fashioned type of font which could make it look like it was from the Middle Ages perhaps?


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